jackofallcards Feb 27, 2010 22:20
*event: anniversary, calling in the cavalry, *event: zero gravity, hobo wranglin', ♠Rabbit, ♠Gene-1, hobo mode, ♠Stardust, ♠Bastet
jackofallcards Jan 24, 2010 19:05
likes a good game, hobo mode, ♠Gene-1, fail brother mode, in need of nicotine, booze is man's real best friend
jackofallcards Dec 05, 2009 23:29
♠Cheers, ♠Yehuda, unicorns don't like me, ♠Aurora, *event: virgins get unicorns, booze is man's real best friend, jack is not a virgin, ♠Gene-1, hobo mode, manslut, fail brother mode, ♠P/Raise, ♠Bastet
jackofallcards Nov 23, 2009 23:51
card suits, all my dreams have symbolism, *event: revolving reveries, fire and smoke and ashes, wonderland weirdness, what's with the butterflies, hobo mode, in need of nicotine, ♠Bastet, ♠NPC, what's with the little girls
jackofallcards Nov 06, 2009 20:07
aurora needs to chill the fuck out, ♠Cross, calling in the cavalry, after the inferno, ♠Gene-1, hobo mode, used to big families, ♠Fred, fail brother mode, ♠P/Raise
jackofallcards Oct 23, 2009 00:58
♠Grift, likes a good game, ♠Roswell, ♠Kazahana, totally going to cheat you all blind, ♠Justice, ♠Rabbit, hobo mode, avoiding work, ♠Ghost jr, ♠Truth
jackofallcards Oct 06, 2009 01:04
♠Roswell, ♠Yehuda, too lazy to move his own shit, ♠Youth, useless comments on the state of affairs, hobo mode, fail brother mode, avoiding work